“Transition” A Retrospective Solo Show by Mona Wu
Exhibition Dates: January 4 – 28, 2023
Gallery Hop: Friday, January 6, 7- 9 pm
Gallery Talk: Sunday, January 15, 2 pm
Reception: Sunday, January 22, 2-4 pm
Update! From now until the end of Mona Wu’s show on January 28, all remaining artwork is 50% off the listed prices. This includes both framed and unframed work as well as original printing blocks.
Don’t pass up this unique opportunity to own some of her beautiful work!
(Please note that cards on the racks and work in baskets are not included.)

In this special solo exhibit Mona Wu is showing over 40 framed works and close to 200 unframed prints, made in her nearly 30 years of Printmaking career. All methods in Printmaking are presented: woodcut, linocut, lithograph, etching, and monoprint. On view are also some carved and cancelled wood boards Wu so lovingly and laboriously produced for edition printing.
Because of her large-scale studio-downsizing, these prints, proofs, editions, as well as many of Wu’s old carved wood boards will be for sale at prices in every collector’s budget. This is your opportunity to own and/or gift a beautiful Mona Wu original print.
Viewers who browse through the show may appreciate the artist’s artistic as well as technical progress and stylistic changes over the years. Yet as the underlying thread throughout her work, Wu still retains her Asian heritage and sensibility in all manners of Printmaking.
A native of China, Mona Wu immigrated to US in 1970. She studied Chinese painting and calligraphy in Hong Kong then received her BA in Art History from Salem College in 1996. She also studied Printmaking at WFU as an auditor from 1997-2014. Wu has taught classes and workshops in Chinese art and Printmaking at Salem Community courses, Reynolda House of American Art, and Sawtooth School of Visual Art and has been a member of Artworks Gallery for many years.
This exhibition is free and open to the public.