July 2024

Artworks Gallery Presents a two-person exhibition:

Marion Adams: “Simplicity Observed”
and James Gemma: “Exploring Color/Shape Relationships”

Exhibition Dates: June 30-July 27, 2024

Also open for:
Gallery Hop: Friday, July 5, 7-9 pm
Art Crush: Friday, July 19, 7-9 pm

Marion Adams is inspired by master colored pencil artists, particularly Janie Gildow and Cecile Baird. Adams is drawn to the beautifully composed still life arrangements with their details and dramatic lighting, however Adams seeks simplicity in her works. Utilizing the pattern in fabric or the design on a plate in contrast to a 3-dimensional piece of fruit on china, she emphasizes the beauty of simple observation in her still life pieces and her flower drawings.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci.

Marion Adams, “Pears on a Plate”

James Gemma’s abstract art is a visual and conceptual exploration of the artistic relationships that can be created among and between colors and shapes. In this exhibition, his works utilize geometric elements and other dynamic visual forms as support for these explorations. Some of these works have strong and even surprising combinations of color.  Some have sharp and angular shapes, while others have a more flowing quality. Despite its conceptual nature, his intention is for this art to have a strong aesthetic and perhaps even an exciting or emotional appeal. He has created these original art works using digital technology and archival paper and inks.

James Gemma, “Color Crossing”

Marion Adams is a retired Middle School Science and Math teacher. She has taught art history, painting and drawing on the high school and college levels. She holds a master’s degree from Georgia State University. She has been a member of Artworks since 2015.

James Gemma graduated from The Ohio State University and has had careers as university professor and consumer research professional. He has studied art and printmaking at Salem College and Wake Forest University, and has participated in multiple art workshops including at Penland and the Huntington Museum of Art.  Mr. Gemma is a member of Artworks Gallery, Artfolios, and Associated Artists of Winston-Salem.

This exhibit is free and open to the public.

May, 2023

Adams and Moskowitz Art

Marion Adams, “Out of the Blue”
Seth Moskowitz, “Odds and Ends—The Covid Years”

Exhibit Dates: April 30 – May 27, 2023

Gallery Hop: Friday, May 5, 7-9 pm

Artists’ Reception: Sunday, May 7, 2-4 pm

Art Crush: Friday, May 19, 7-9 pm

“Out of the Blue” and “Partly Cloudy” by Marion Adams

Marion Adams looks to the sky for inspiration. Working with pastels as her medium, she captures ethereal effects of the ever-changing scene overhead. Adams’ intention is to capture the sky in its various moods, show the turbulence of clouds before a storm, haze drifting overhead on a moonlit night, and small points of starlight gradually appearing after sunset. The single acrylic painting, “Wonder”, stands alone among the pastels as a representation of her own quest seeking answers and, at times,
the right questions.

“Celestial Sky” and “Haze Lifting” by Marion Adams

Marion Adams is a retired Middle School Science and Math teacher. She has taught art history, painting and drawing on the college level. She holds a master’s degree from Georgia State University. She has been a member of Artworks since 2015.

“Signs of Spring” and “Runnin’ Out of Time” by Seth Moskowitz

When Covid 19 made us prisoners in our own homes, Seth Moskowitz frequently found himself filled with fear and frustration. But despite the dramatic changes in almost every aspect of daily lives, Moskowitz also experienced intense gratitude for a life that remained healthy, happy, hardy and whole.

During “The Covid Years,” Moskowitz produced a constant stream of images that were never quite completed. To celebrate the many splendors of the Spring of 2023, Moskowitz decided to finish and free these images from the messy confines of his head. He hopes the viewer will find connection with some of the places and spaces he passed through during these sometimes seemingly interminable “15 Days to Slow the Spread.”

“What a Tangled Web II” and “Echoes” by Seth Moskowitz

Seth Moskowitz is a Winston-Salem based artist who creates and combines photographic images into artworks that rarely resemble photography or the images that they incorporate. After a challenging career in the corporate world, he began to create visual art in 2004 as an escape from the verbal cacophony of the workaday environment – a way to enter a peaceful, magical place that is literally, beyond words. He has been a member of Artworks Gallery since 2017 and a member of Associated Artists of Winston-Salem since 2005.

This exhibition is free and open to the public.

Sept 2021: Marion Adams and James Gemma

Artworks Gallery Presents:
Marion Adams: Colored Pencil Compositions
James Gemma: Exploring Abstract Relationships in Shape and Color

Exhibition dates: August 29 – September 25, 2021
Gallery Hop: Friday, September 3, 7-9 pm

Marion Adams, “Blue and White”
Marion Adams | Colored Pencil Composition

Marion Adams reflects, “It is interesting where a year can take you, especially if you physically have no place to go!” She took the time to enjoy countless hours researching artists, both contemporary and traditional from the sanctuary of a laptop while in lockdown. The paintings of artists Janet Rickus and Jeff Larson inspired Adams to try my own. Although their paintings are in acrylic and oil, she tried something similar with a favorite medium: colored pencil.

First, traditional crockery became the subject, later followed by blue willow china. Months later, the minimalist styles of pottery by Giorgio Morandi and Sophie Cook inspired her works.

Marion Adams, “Monstera”

Adams was very much at peace this year while creating art, which provided a type of daily mediation and an escape from the constant chatter of the outside world. Making art offered a retreat into a space of quietness and peace. Maia Gambis, “Why Making Art is the New Meditation,” explains that making art is a tool for coping with overwhelming emotion. “Happiness is more a matter of nurturing a space that provides stability and a constant connection to our true selves.”

Marion Adams has had a 30-year career teaching Science, Math, and Art. She holds a Master’s Degree from Georgia State University and undergraduate degrees in education and art. She works in colored pencil, acrylics, and makes 3-dimensional pieces using polymer and paper clay. She has been a member of Artworks Gallery since 2015.

Marion Adams, “Ooops”

James Gemma, “Moonlight”
James Gemma | Exploring Abstract Relationships in Shape and Color

James Gemma’s abstract art is an exciting visual and conceptual exploration of the artistic relationships that may be created among and between colors and shapes. In this exhibition, many of the works use geometric elements as support for these explorations, while others take a more expressive approach. Some of the works have a formal appeal, with arrangements of bold colors and shapes. Others are arranged with softer, more subtle color/shape relationships. Finally, some are just freer, but still with an underlying coherence. Despite its conceptual nature, the art in this collection has a strong aesthetic and energizing appeal. All work in this show is limited edition, original digital art, created with archival paper and ink.  

After graduating with advanced degrees from The Ohio State University and careers as university professor and consumer research professional, James Gemma studied art and printmaking at Salem College, and at Wake Forest University. He also has participated in multiple art workshops at Penland School, the Huntington Museum of Art, and the Sawtooth Center for Visual Art. Gemma served four years as board member of Associated Artists of Winston Salem. As Marketing Chairperson of that group, he created the Practicing Artist Series of lectures and critiques, bringing the participation of nationally known artists to Winston-Salem. He is currently a practicing artist, and has been a member of Artworks Gallery since 2009.

James Gemma, “Color Wall 1”

Gallery Hours: Wednesday – Saturday 11-5; Sunday 1-4
Open for Gallery Hop: Friday, September 3, 7-9 pm
Exhibition dates: August 29 – September 25, 2021

For information about this press release, contact pr@artworks-gallery.org

© 2023 Artworks Gallery, Inc. All rights to images in this site remain with the respective artists. Images may not be displayed, printed, published or reproduced without permission of the artist.