Artworks: February 2021

Four Women Show
Original Prints and Paintings by Alix Hitchcock, Lea Lackey-Zachmann, Katherine Mahler, and Mona Wu

Exhibition dates: February 5 – 28, 2021

Browse and shop this exhibit and our Front Gallery exhibit online in our shop! Take a video tour of this exhibit here.

Alix Hitchcock, “Fall Shifting”

 Alix Hitchcock

For this select show, Alix Hitchcock has worked with colored inks and waxy china markers using drawings from models or stencil shapes of human forms and foliage forms. These large format works intentionally create a somewhat chaotic vision, where the layering of forms with added gestural marks and calligraphic lines may belie gravity, or blur distinctions between foreground and background; figure and space.
Alix Hitchcock holds a MA in painting from NYU and a BFA in printmaking and painting from UNCG. She has been an instructor in studio art at WFU, Salem College, UNCSA, The Sawtooth Center for Visual Arts, Reynolda House Museum of American Art, and the Weatherspoon Museum of Art, plus a number of additional esteemed institutions. She was selected as the Winston-Salem Artist of the Year in 1998, and is a founding board member of Artworks Gallery. She has exhibited widely in numerous local and national galleries and centers for art. Her work is held in many collections, both private and public.

Lea Lackey-Zachmann, “Goldfinch Dream”

Lea Lackey-Zachmann

Lea Lackey-Zachmann often makes images that are not exhibited or shared with the public.  “I appreciate those personal and often meaningful processes,” says Lackey-Zachmann. “Each of these paintings arose from experiences like that years ago. They were made quickly and afterwards rolled up, only to be recently found after a studio move.” The Covid pandemic period presents the perfect time to rediscover and exhibit these refreshed and completed 20 year old paintings.

Lea Lackey-Zachmann has a BA in Art Education, a graduate teaching certificate in Art Education and an MFA in painting. Also a founding member of Artworks Gallery, she taught art at the college level for over 30 years and continues to paint, make prints and explore video. The Natural world has been a focus of her art since childhood. She lives in Winston-Salem with her husband, two dogs and a cat.

Katherine Mahler, “Depth Finder”

Katherine Mahler

Combining printmaking and painting techniques, Katherine Mahler explores identity through the use of layers, shared symbols and maps. Drawing from her experiences living around the country and traveling globally her art reflects the commonalities and connectedness of the human experience.
New Artworks Gallery member, Katherine Mahler has a BA in Studio Art from Kenyon College and a BFA in Art Education from Michigan State University. Mahler is currently applying to be an MFA candidate. She has been teaching art to students of all ages for the past 20 years, including in Texas, Michigan, Louisiana and North Carolina.

Mona Wu, “Homeward Bound, Swallows”

Mona Wu

Mona Wu is exhibiting her unframed prints in large format, mostly monotypes, both old and new works. Comprised of botanical subject matter, these prints are the product of Wu’s love and appreciation of natural beauty ever present locally, in the state of North Carolina.
A native of China, Mona Wu immigrated to the US in 1970. She studied Chinese painting and calligraphy in Hong Kong, then later received her BA in Art History from Salem College and studied Printmaking at WFU. In 2003, Wu was selected as Sawtooth School Winston-Salem Artist of the year. She joined as a member of Artworks Gallery that same year. Wu currently teaches Printmaking and collage at Sawtooth School of Winston-Salem.

The exhibit is free and open to the public. Gallery hours and other info about the gallery can be found on our Visit page. Shop for artwork from gallery members in our Online Shop.

Artworks: JAN 2021

Embracing a New Year Winter Group Exhibit

Exhibition dates: January 2 – 31, 2021

With 2020 in the rearview we all inhale a hopeful breath and embrace 2021. Artworks Gallery looks forward to an exciting New Year filled with original art by our member artists.

2021 is the 37th year Artworks Gallery has delivered unique, contemporary pieces as Winston-Salem’s longest-running artists’ cooperative. What a great way to welcome the New Year!

This Winter Group Exhibit features a selection of works by all members, including prints, photography, painting, collage, sculpture and more.

Some work from this exhibit is available in Artworks Gallery’s online shop.

  • Broken Angel
  • Tamarind Fire
  • Convergence

The exhibit is free and open to the public.

January Gallery Hours:
Friday, Saturday 12-3 pm and Sunday 1-4 pm,
Or by appointment at
Closed New Year’s Day

Artworks Gallery, Inc. 
564 North Trade Street
Winston-Salem, NC  27101. Gallery phone: 336-723-5890

For information about this press release, contact:

HeArt Works 2020

Artworks Gallery presents:
HeArt Works 2020
An All Member Group Show

Exhibition dates:
December 4 – 27, 2020

  • Broken Angel
  • Tamarind Fire
  • Convergence

Artwork created from the HeArt. Join Artworks Gallery in joyfully bidding adieu to 2020!

With optimism, celebrate the end of 2020 with original art from the longest established artists’ cooperative.

Artworks Gallery is offering a stunning variety of work in its all-members exhibition called “HeArt Works 2020.” Each of us has dealt with heart-rending issues this year. In this show viewers will see a number of ways in which the artist members are showing their HeArts and the art created during months of lockdown.

Painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking and more will be available to the visitors just in time for the holidays.

The exhibit is free and open to the public.

December Gallery Hours:
Friday, Saturday 12-3 pm and Sunday 1-4 pm
Or by appointment at
We are closed on Christmas day.

Artworks Gallery, Inc. 
564 North Trade Street
Winston-Salem, NC  27101.
Gallery phone: 336-723-5890

Video Tour: Front Gallery Member Show NOV 2020

Take a video tour of the Artworks 2020 November Front Gallery Member Exhibit
November 2020 Front Gallery show of Artworks member work including easily-giftable art in all shapes and sizes.

Exhibition dates: Nov. 5 – 29, 2020
Open Limited Hours: Thurs. – Sat., 12 – 3pm
Or By Appointment

Video by Lea Lackey-Zachmann

Video Tour: Lea Lackey-Zachmann NOV 2020

Take a video of Lea Lackey-Zachmann’s current exhibit: “Still Standing Like The Trees

Lea Lackey-Zachmann endeavors to bring you into the realm of awareness and sensing she extends to all living beings. “Still Standing Like The Trees” is a collection of images, started before the California fires this year. The artist says, “As their process towards completion continued they began to reflect the possible methods in which a conscious living being might respond to extreme circumstances. The trees, like all Nature have much to teach us.” These impressive new works, rendered in monotype with pencil, suggest viewing trees as sentient beings.

Exhibition dates: Nov. 5 – 29, 2020
Gallery Hours: Thurs. – Sat., 12 – 3pm
Or By Appointment

Nov 2020 Woodie Anderson

Woodie Anderson
Weary Heart

Exhibition dates:
Nov. 5 – 29, 2020

Open Limited Hours:
Thurs. – Sat., 12 – 3 pm, or by appointment
Woodie Anderson, Protection, Serigraph on cotton

The new works by artist and designer Woodie Anderson employ printmaking, drawing, sculpture and written language to explore the areas where identity, personal history and society intersect. “Weary Heart” shares work from her ongoing series, “Tooth and Nail,” about the fight for love and community, as well as the struggles of identity, self-protection, and self-projection. These prints, presented on paper and fabric, will delight and engage viewers with fresh, meaningful messages.

Nov 2020 Lea Lackey-Zachmann

Lea Lackey-Zachmann
Still Standing Like The Trees

Exhibition dates:
Nov. 5 – 29, 2020

Open Limited Hours:
Thurs. – Sat., 12 – 3 pm, or by appointment

Lea Lackey-Zachmann endeavors to bring you into the realm of awareness and sensing she extends to all living beings. “Still Standing Like The Trees” is a collection of images, started before the California fires this year. The artist says, “As their process towards completion continued they began to reflect the possible methods in which a conscious living being might respond to extreme circumstances. The trees, like all Nature have much to teach us.” These impressive new works, rendered in monotype with pencil, suggest viewing trees as sentient beings.

Take a short video tour of Still Standing Like The Trees by Lea Lackey-Zachmann.

NOV 2020 Jessica Tefft

Artworks Gallery Presents:

Jessica Tefft
May Cause Ongoing Harm

Exhibition dates:
Nov. 5 – 29, 2020

Open Limited Hours:
Thurs. – Sat., 12 – 3 pm, or by appointment

Come visualize through works by Jessica Tefft what happens when information is intentionally obscured. She says, “I got the idea for this show when I read the Mueller Report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. It felt as though I could not read two sentences without some part being blacked out – redacted – so the public couldn’t read it. But I kept looking at all the redactions. And I noticed the little black bars were often embellished with the words “May Cause Ongoing Harm.” If so many things could cause “ongoing harm,” I wondered, shouldn’t the American people know?”

Visitors will see many imaginings of ongoing harm caused by willful obfuscation conveyed through a variety of multi-media art. Many employ tongue-in-cheek commentary of the social, political, personal, world we live in.

Artworks: November 2020

Jessica Tefft
May Cause Ongoing Harm

Woodie Anderson
Weary Heart

Lea Lackey-Zachmann
Still Standing Like The Trees

Exhibition dates:
Thursday, November 5 – Saturday, November 29, 2020

Open Limited Hours:
Thursday – Saturday, 12 – 3 pm
Or By Appointment

Come visualize through works by Jessica Tefft what happens when information is intentionally obscured. She says, “I got the idea for this show when I read the Mueller Report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. It felt as though I could not read two sentences without some part being blacked out – redacted – so the public couldn’t read it. But I kept looking at all the redactions. And I noticed the little black bars were often embellished with the words “May Cause Ongoing Harm.” If so many things could cause “ongoing harm,” I wondered, shouldn’t the American people know?”

Visitors will see many imaginings of ongoing harm caused by willful obfuscation conveyed through a variety of multi-media art. Many employ tongue-in-cheek commentary of the social, political, personal, world we live in.

The new works by artist and designer Woodie Anderson employ printmaking, drawing, sculpture and written language to explore the areas where identity, personal history and society intersect. “Weary Heart” shares work from her ongoing series, “Tooth and Nail,” about the fight for love and community, as well as the struggles of identity, self-protection, and self-projection. These prints, presented on paper and fabric, will delight and engage viewers with fresh, meaningful messages.

Lea Lackey-Zachmann endeavors to bring you into the realm of awareness and sensing she extends to all living beings. “Still Standing Like The Trees” is a collection of images, started before the California fires this year. The artist says, “As their process towards completion continued they began to reflect the possible methods in which a conscious living being might respond to extreme circumstances. The trees, like all Nature have much to teach us.” These impressive new works, rendered in monotype with pencil, suggest viewing trees as sentient beings.

The exhibit is free and open to the public.

Artworks Gallery, Inc. 
564 North Trade Street
Winston-Salem, NC  27101.
Gallery phone: 336-723-5890

Limited Gallery hours are:
Thurs. – Sat. 12-3pm and by appointment

For information about this press release, contact

© 2023 Artworks Gallery, Inc. All rights to images in this site remain with the respective artists. Images may not be displayed, printed, published or reproduced without permission of the artist.