Jessica Tefft, featured in this season of ArtPop!
Arts Council Names Six 2020-2021 ArtPop Winners
“Street Gallery” billboard art soon to be displayed in 12-county region
Winston-Salem, NC (July 13, 2020) –The Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County has announced the winners in its 2020-2021 ArtPop Street Gallery competition. ArtPop fosters collaborations between arts organizations, such as The Arts Council, and the private sector to promote the work of local artists on available media space, such as billboards. The traveling public enjoys engaging public art, and ArtPop artists receive visibility that affirms their considerable talent and often boosts their careers.
More than 60 artists submitted entries for this year’s competition. There are six winners — five adult artists and one high-school senior artist who will be attending college for visual arts studies in the fall. Read more on the arts council website. See more of Jessica’s artwork on Instagram.